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What To Do With Unwanted Mother’s Day Gift Cards

They may have meant well. Maybe they thought you’d appreciate a Home Depot gift card to kick-start your kitchen renovation, or perhaps they resorted to a Dollar Shaving Club gift card due to a lack of ideas (or funds). But wouldn’t a Visa gift card have been more versatile? With it, you could purchase anything from any retailer worldwide.
  1. We understand your frustration. However, instead of just using the cards as coasters, consider these alternatives for your unwanted gift cards
  2. Donate them: Various organizations, including clubs, churches, schools, and charities, often seek gift cards for fundraising events or to provide as prizes. Such donations may also be tax-deductible depending on your location.
  3. Regift them: If the card is unused and you don’t plan to use it soon, consider brightening someone else’s day by passing it on as a gift. Just ensure it’s unused to avoid any awkwardness.
  4. Buy a gift card with a gift card: Some stores allow you to purchase a gift card using another gift card from the same store. This can be useful if you only want to give a portion of the total value as a gift.
  5. Offer them to friends: Let your friends, family, and social media contacts know about the available gift card. If they plan to shop at that store, you can sell or exchange the card for cash.
  6. Sell them for cash: If all else fails, consider selling the gift card to a reputable website. The amount you’ll receive varies but can range from 70 to 92 percent of the card’s value.
  7. Use them: If you haven’t used the gift card within a few months of receiving it, chances are you won’t use it at all. Instead of letting it gather dust, explore one of the above options to make the most of its value.

We hope these suggestions help you make the most of your unwanted gift cards.

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