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5 Food Pregnant Women Should Eat

bibingbibing Posts: 2,160

One thing you must take into consideration is the fact that you need to eat healthy now that you are pregnant in other to properly nourish the baby you are carrying.

You might be a little bit confused because you do not know which food you need to eat. Do not sweat it out, this article is written specially for you to provide accurate information on food you should eat when you are pregnant.

Let’s begin:

Whole grains
You probably know that your body needs more calories now that you are pregnant. Whole grains such as cereals, whole wheat bread, oat provides the body with calories needed to provide energy during your pregnancy. They are also fortified with folic acid(prevents birth defect) fibre(prevents constipation)

You could eat whole bread/oat for breakfast, whole wheat pasta for lunch and brown rice for dinner. It is important you avoid or eat little quantity of white bread and rice during your pregnancy.

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Beans provide a very good source of nutrient such as calcium. In addition to the nutrients they provide, beans also has high fibre and protein content.

When you are pregnant, your gastrointestinal tract slows down which could put you at risk for constipation and hemorrhoids. Fibre in beans can help prevent these problems.

Sea food have a very high content of omega-3-fatty acid which are very good for the development of the baby’s brain and eye.

It is important you take mercury low seafood such as catfish salmon, shrimps, tilapia etc. You can incorporate it in your dish by steaming, boiling or adding them in your salad.

Fruits and Vegetables
Eating fruits and veggies during pregnancy ensures that your baby gets a lot of nutrients that are important for the babies development.

Its advisable that you eat a wide range of fruits depending on your preference. e.g apple, orange, pineapple, papaya, banana etc.

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Low fat yogurt.
Did you know that a cup of low fat yogurt has more calcium than milk? Yes that’s right. It important you take food with good source of calcium such as greek yogurt.

If you do not take sufficient calcium, the limited one you have in your body will be used up by your baby. Calcium will ensure your bones are strong and intact while ensuring that your baby has a healthy skeletal make-up.

In conclusion, during pregnancy, it is very important you eat healthy because you are feeding for two. It is not a time to start a strict diet. Note that one of the signs that you are having an healthy pregnancy is that you put on weight. Take walks regularly, eat fruits and veggies, reduce sugar intake.

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