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Recipe For The Eyes

bibingbibing Posts: 2,160

THE eyes are highly complex and delicate organs in human beings. All the muscles of the eye are in constant movement to carry out the three simultaneous functions for vision. The eye also sends information to the brain. For the eye to perfectly carry out its basic functions and be in good health, it needs carotene, vitamin A, and C.

One among many dishes that can be taken to help keep the eyes healthy and prevent diseases of the eye is spinach shake. It has spinach (green) and yogurt as its basic ingredients. Spinach is notable for its levels of essential nutrients like provitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin K, A, B2, B6, and C, E, carotenoids, manganese, magnesium, folate, iron, calcium, potassium and fibre.

Yogurt is a good source of B vitamins as well as calcium. The provitamin and carotenoids found in spinach enhance the health of the whole eye. Provitamin A (beta-carotene) and other carotenoids that are contained in spinach also contribute to the prevention of abnormal eye condition.

Aside from prevention of diseases of the eyes, intake of this dish helps in prevention of anaemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis.

Pregnant women can benefit from this nutritious dish to help prevent congenital malformations.

Ingredients Quantities

Raw spinach (green) 1 medium bunch

Low fat yogurts ½ litre

Honey 1 teaspoon

Water ½ litre

Juice of 1 lemon

Method of preparation

Carefully wash and chop the spinach.

Blend the spinach with some water using the electric blender.

Add the remaining water, yogurt and honey.

Blend again to obtain a uniform mixture.

Serve cold, adding a few drops of lemon juice to each glass.

Source: TheGuardian

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