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Graphic photos: Woman gives birth to a strange looking baby. (Baby looks like a Monkey, Ape)

ProsperProsper Posts: 1,432
Woman gives birth to a strange looking baby Baby looking like Monkey, Ape -1
Woman gives birth to a strange looking baby Baby looking like Monkey, Ape -2

According to Mzamzi Online news, a Zimbabwean woman gave birth to this strange looking baby in a Harare Hospital on Nov. 14. The woman reportedly delivered after 10 months pregnancy.

Parirenyatwa Doctors were shocked to see the baby.
"I’ve never seen such a thing in my life here at Parirenyatwa as doctors we know and believe that when a woman is giving birth, the head comes first and the legs last. To my own surprise this baby like creature brought her legs first" said Doctor Chenyeke.
Mother of the baby, Sharon Kujeke refused to take the baby home.

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