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To maintain strong sex drive, do regular exercise, fitness experts tell men

Some fitness instructors have recommended body building for men who wish to improve on their virility and wellness .
Mr . Alfred Nkang and Mr . Onyekachi Iroh, both fitness instructors; and a body builder , Chukwuemeka Ekeugo, are working at the Federal Housing Authority Sports Field, Festac Town in Lagos .
They told the News Agency of Nigeria that most issues about men’ s virility bordered around potbellies , diseases , as well as waist and back pains.
Nkang said that apart from helping to boost a man ’ s sexual performance , exercises would also help to improve the general health. He recommended regular workouts such as cardiovascular, yoga and body building exercises to help the heart to work better and build stamina for men .
“ If you work out everyday , you won ’ t have health issues . When you are sick, the doctors will give you drugs , but there may be some toxins in them that the body won ’ t be able to flush out .
“ Regular exercise will help to cleanse your system . The toxins in the body , the blockage in the blood vessels and other parts of the body are also cleansed out .
“ Your body will be able to cleanse itself without you having to take drugs . Cardiovascular exercise is very important because of the heart.
“ When you work out , you jog , you run, you will be able to build a stronger heart; it will pump blood better, ’’ Nkang said .
The fitness instructor said the exercises would also help to tone up and refine the muscles , which would make the man look better.
He urged men who could not do high - impact exercises , because of their age or other reasons, to consider doing yoga . “ It doesn ’ t involve jumping and running .
“ It is just stretches, breathing in and out, holding the breath while maintaining a particular body posture for about 10 seconds to 50 seconds before resting , ’’ he explained .
Another fitness instructor, Iroh , said that body building helps men to improve on their agility .
He refuted claims that body building causes a reduction in the size of the penis. “ It is not true, except for those who take certain supplements during body building.
“ Taking steroids affects the penis. Most people who take them are those who want to look very big ; like those who work as bouncers . https://punchng.com/to-maintain-strong-sex-drive-do-regular-exercise-fitness-experts-tell-men/

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