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Covid-19: Donald Trump withdrawing US from WHO

The Trump administration has sent a letter to the United Nations pulling back the United States from the World Health Organization over its treatment of the coronavirus pandemic, an emotional move that could reshape general wellbeing strategy.

The notification of withdrawal was conveyed to United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, said a senior organization official who talked on the state of namelessness in light of the fact that the letter has not been made open.

Under the conditions of a joint goals passed by Congress in 1948, the United States must give a year’s notification recorded as a hard copy and pay its obligations to the organization so as to leave.

It isn’t evident whether the president can haul the United States out of the association and pull back financing without Congress. At the point when Trump previously took steps to pull back, Democratic administrators contended that doing so would be illicit and promised to push back.

Representative Robert Menendez, tweeted that Congress had gotten notice of the withdrawal:

“Congress received notification that POTUS officially withdrew the U.S. from the @WHO in the midst of a pandemic.

“To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn’t do it justice. This won’t protect American lives or interests-it leaves Americans sick & America alone.”

FULL NEWS: https://fojusi.com/covid-19-donald-trump-withdrawing-us-from-who/

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