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Checkout the new way beggars operate (photo)


Looks like some beggars have decided to up their game, with the way some of them now package themselves to attract attention.

Seems like with the biting recession, people are seeking more ‘innovative’ ways to make more money than they used to.If the picture above is anything to go by, these beggars are well on their way to making more money than any other person with the same ‘practice’ around them.

In recent times, it has been the case of people dressed corporately, looking for jobs or trying to promote their legitimate businesses through packaging, but this is almost an impressive one.

The physically challenged men were seen rocking their suit and tie, wearing an ID card around their neck, somewhere in Illorin, Kwara state.

What do you think? Would you give them money?

Source: http://nigerianewsnow.com.ng/2016/11/25/checkout-the-new-way-beggars-operate-photo/

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