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9 Side Hustle Businesses You Can Start If You Have A Full Time Job In Nigeria

In Nigeria today, lots of people are totally dependent on their monthly salary to survive and also cater for their families. No matter where you work and how much salary you earn per month, if you focus solely on that money to take care of your needs and that of your family after a long period of time, you will have no savings to fall back to when the need arises that is why setting up a side business that will bring in extra income is necessary.

Everybody wants to have money so they can be comfortable and be able to get the best things in life which includes building a house, buying a car, changing their wardrobe, send their kids to the best school etc. but this cannot be possible if you only depend on your monthly salary to meet your needs.

Having a full time job in Nigeria is not easy as you have to wake up early, rush out of the house so you can beat traffic to get to work and after spending 9 to 10 hours at work when you get back home you are so tired that you don’t have time to do anything for yourself not to talk of having time for your family and at the end of the month you receive a salary that may not be able to meet your needs. If you can set out time even if it’s one hour a day to focus on a side business, you can grow that business to a point where you eventually will have to quit your job to become an entrepreneur.

There is no full time job that is permanent, if you are lucky enough to get a full time job be it in the public or private sector, you will have to retire one day either after you have served 35 years or when you turn 60 you will have to leave the job (retire) so if you don’t have a side business to fall back to you will suffer.

When Nigeria went into recession in 2017, many companies could not stand the bad economy so they had to let go of some stuffs so as to be able to stay afloat, thousands of people lost their jobs and this made poverty level to increase. This is just to give you a sense of how important having a side business is in Nigeria. Even the richest people in the world don’t rely on only one source of income to survive.

Starting a side business while you have a full time job is not an easy task to embark on it requires you putting time and resources to make the business work.

Without wasting much time let’s jump into the 9 side hustle businesses you can start today and still be committed to your full time job.


The internet has provided humanity with a platform that can be used to make extra cash and also live their normal lives. Creating a blog is one of the best side businesses anyone can do. The cool thing about blogging is that it can be done anytime anywhere and does not require much to start. There are lots of Nigerians that have made and are still making millions of Naira from blogging and you can also tap into this business http://**(BANNED WORD)**/2018/09/03/how-to-start-a-blog-and-make-money-from-it-in-nigeria/. When it comes to blogging, picking a niche that interest you to blog about is very important be it fashion, sport, entertainment, business, etc. as it takes time to build to an extent where you will begin to make money from it. You will have to be determined and consistent to make money from blogging. There are different ways you can earn money while blogging which includes displaying advertisement on your blog, posting your affiliate links, etc.

continue reading [url="http://**(BANNED WORD)**/2018/10/10/9-side-hustle-businesses-you-can-start-if-you-have-a-full-time-job-in-nigeria/"]**(BANNED WORD)**/2018/10/10/9-side-hustle-businesses-you-can-start-if-you-have-a-full-time-job-in-nigeria/[/url]

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