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Earn up to #40,000 monthly while at home

*Registration is free*
If you post an answer or post a question on Jobirra, you earn money whenever Jobirra users like your answer or whenever Jobirra users like your question.

If you post a good answer or if you post a good question on Jobirra, you can earn up to N3,000 from that 1 answer, or up to N4,000 from that 1 question that you posted.

And that's not all, you can also refer people to join Jobirra and earn N500 for each person you refer.

Whenever you refer someone to join Jobirra you earn N500. If you refer 10 people, you earn N5,000. And if you refer 20 people, you earn N10,000. The maximum number of people you’re allowed to refer is 20 people.

Ownership of multiple Jobirra accounts is not allowed.

Jobirra pays members on the second day of the next month. So if you earn N20,000 this March, you’ll be paid your N20,000 earning on the 2nd day of April next month. If the 2nd day of a month falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), you’ll be paid on the working day (Monday) immediately following that weekend.

How Jobirra Makes Money

Jobirra makes money by displaying adverts to Jobirra users whenever they’re on the Jobirra website. It is from the revenue generated by those adverts that Jobirra members are paid.
To join click here

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