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Common Sicknesses in Nigeria

HealthLumiHealthLumi Posts: 30
edited September 2022 in Health
It is no secret that the healthcare industry in Nigeria is in a messy state. The average life expectancy in the country is just 52 years, and infant mortality rates are among the highest in the world. Even if you are lucky enough to make it to adulthood, you still face a number of health risks that are unique to Nigeria. Here are four of the most common health problems in Nigeria and what you can do to avoid them.



Malaria is by far the most common health problem in Nigeria. According to the World Health Organization, there were an estimated 207 million cases of malaria in Nigeria in 2016, accounting for almost 30% of all malaria cases worldwide. The good news is that malaria is preventable. You can protect yourself from mosquito bites by using insect repellent, wearing long-sleeved clothing, and sleeping under a mosquito net. If you think you have contracted malaria, see a doctor immediately and start taking antimalarial medication as prescribed.


HIV/AIDS is another major health problem in Nigeria. As of 2016, an estimated 3.2 million people in Nigeria were living with HIV/AIDS, accounting for nearly 10% of all people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. The best way to prevent HIV/AIDS is to practice safe sex by using condoms every time you have sex. If you think you have been exposed to HIV, get tested as soon as possible and start taking antiretroviral medication if necessary.


Diarrhea is a common health problem in Nigeria, particularly among children under the age of five. Diarrhea can be caused by various things, including contaminated food and water, viruses, and bacteria. To prevent diarrhea, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after going to the bathroom and before eating. When traveling in Nigeria, only drink bottled water and eat cooked food that has been peeled or boiled yourself. If you experience more than three loose stools per day or blood in your stool, see a doctor immediately.

Mental Illness

Mental illness is another common health problem in Nigeria. An estimated 16% of Nigerians suffer from some form of mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. Mental illness can often be treated effectively with medication, psychotherapy, or a combination of both. If you are experiencing symptoms of mental illness, such as persistent low mood or feelings of hopelessness, see a doctor or mental health professional as soon as possible for an assessment.

With health insurance, we can treat these common health sicknesses in Nigeria. Many people in Nigeria are not aware of how important health insurance is. In a country where the majority of the population lives below the poverty line, it is easy to see why health insurance is not a priority. However, what many people don't realize is that not having health insurance can have far-reaching consequences, both for their health and their finances

The Consequences of Not Having Health Insurance

There are a number of reasons why not having health insurance can be detrimental to your health. For one, if you don't have health insurance, you are less likely to go to the doctor for routine checkups. This means that minor health problems can quickly become major ones.

Additionally, if you do develop a serious health problem, you will likely have to pay for all of your medical expenses out of pocket. This can quickly lead to financial ruin, as medical bills are one of the leading causes of bankruptcy in Nigeria.

Not having health insurance can also have an impact on your mental health. According to a study conducted by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, people who don't have health insurance are more likely to experience anxiety and depression than those who do have coverage. This is likely due to the stress that comes with being unable to afford necessary medical care.

The Importance of Health Insurance

While the consequences of not having health insurance can be serious, there are also a number of benefits to having coverage.

For one, routine checkups can help catch problems early and prevent them from becoming more serious (and more expensive). preventive care is also much less expensive than treatment for serious conditions.

Additionally, most health insurance plans offer some degree of mental health coverage, which can help reduce the likelihood of developing anxiety or depression.

By being aware of the most common health problems in the country and taking steps to prevent them, you can improve your chances of living a long and healthy life.

Ultimately, whether or not to have health insurance is a personal decision; however, it is important to be aware of both the risks and the benefits before making a decision. If you are currently without coverage, it may be worth considering purchasing a policy.

To purchase a policy visit roHealth. Click on this link to get started. https://rohealth-offers.gr8.com/

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